파나소닉 S1, S1H, S1R, S-R24-105mm f4 펌웨어 업데이트 주소
새로운 카메라를 샀는데 이상하게 AF나 손떨림보정이 안 좋을 때
제일 먼저 확인해봐야하는 것이 펌웨어 업데이트.
올림푸스 E-M1 MARK III의 경우 12-100mm f4랑 잘 안 맞는 느낌이 계속 들어서 새로 나온 와이파이 펌웨어 업데이트를 연결해보니
역시나 12-100 렌즈가 옛날 펌웨어 였다.
당연히 12-100이 초기 펌웨어니 E-M1 MARK III를 인식할 리가 없다.
마찬가지로 파나소닉 S1R도 24-105랑 혹시나 해서 찾아보니 24-105mm f4 렌즈 펌웨어 업데이트가 있었다.
최근 업데이트에서는 S1의 v-log시에 잔상이 남는 플릭커 현상이 개선되었는데 S1R은 최신 펌웨어가 추가되지 않았다.
파나소닉 시그마 라이카 연합의 파나소닉 S1, S1R, S1H 펌웨어 확인해 보는 주소는
Download | Digital Camera | Digital AV | Support | Panasonic Global
Text begins from here. Download * When you click below "Click to the download page" then a pop-up window should be shown. If your OS is Mac and using Safari, please refer here to show the pop-up window. Camera body Lens For Panasonic products listed below,
Camera body S DC-S1H Ver.1.2
NEW 2020/01/28
DC-S1R Ver.1.3
DC-S1 Ver.1.4
NEW 2020/01/28
Please note that a camera body is required in order to update interchangeable lenses.
Please refer the firmware update workflow from below for each combinations of the L-Mount alliance camera body and lens.
Update Procedures
1 Panasonic Panasonic Update using Panasonic camera body
4 LEICA Panasonic Click here to jump to the LEICA's page, which explains the procedures for LEICA camera body users.
For Panasonic products listed below, firmware update program is available from each download page.
LUMIX S Lens Standard S-R24105 Ver.1.1
Click to the download page
Telephoto S-R70200 Ver.1.1
For other maker's lenses except Panasonic, firmware update program is available from each maker's download page.
** GH5 & GH5s
IS, AF, Vlog 등 많은 개선이 있었다고 한다.
Improved performance of the Image Stabilizer
- The correction performance of the Body Image Stabilizer has been improved from 5.5 stops to 6.0 stops. *1
- The correction performance of the Dual I.S.2 has been improved from 6.0 stops to 6.5 stops. *2 *3
*1 Based on the CIPA standard [Yaw/Pitch direction : focusing distance f=50mm , when S-X50 is used.]
*2 Based on the CIPA standard [Yaw/Pitch direction: focusing distance f=105mm, when S-R24105 is used.]
*3 Based on the CIPA standard [Yaw/Pitch direction : focusing distance f=200mm , when S-R70200 is used.]
Improved AF performance
- [AF-ON: Near Shift] and [AF-ON: Far Shift] functions have been added.
[AF-ON: Near Shift] preferably focuses on a subject nearby while [AF-ON: Far Shift] preferably focuses on a subject far away.
- The tracking performance when using [Tracking] AF mode in video recording has been improved.
- Live view display during auto focusing is now easier to see.
Function Enhancement with Upgrade Software Key DMW-SFU2
An [Activate] function has been added which enables the use of extended functions using the Upgrade Software Key DMW-SFU2.
The following functions will be added by activating the Upgrade Software Key.
- The video recording modes [MOV]
4K60p/50p*, 4:2:0 8bit LongGOP, 150Mbps, LPCM
4K30p/25p*, 4:2:2 10bit LongGOP, 150Mbps, LPCM
4K24p, 4:2:2 10bit LongGOP, 150Mbps, LPCM
FHD60p/50p*, 4:2:2 10bit LongGOP, 100Mbps, LPCM
FHD30p/25p*, 4:2:2 10bit LongGOP, 100Mbps, LPCM
- HDMI 4K60p/50p* 4:2:2 10bit output
- V-Log will be added in Photo Style.
- The [V-Log View Assist] function will be added, which enables viewing the V-Log file with LUT(Look Up Table) when recording video in V-Log.
- The [Read LUT File] function will be added, which allows users to install and apply their favorite LUT.
- A WFM (Waveform Monitor) display function.
- A [Luminance Level] adjustment function that complies with 10-bit.
- An [XLR Mic Adaptor Setting] function that enables high-res sound recording using the XLR Microphone Adapter DMW-XLR1 (sold separately).**
* PAL area only
** MOV only
Improved operational stability
- Operational stability when using an XQD memory card has been improved.