사진학개론/카메라,렌즈 리뷰

라이카 M9, M9-P 펌웨어 1.162 최신 업데이트

cultpd 2011. 7. 12. 01:22
검색에 안나오길래

나온지 좀 됐지만 올립니다.

와이드 렌즈에 좋습니다.


Improvements in the M9 Firmware Version 1.162

1. Camera Performance:
    Improvement of the sensor homogeneity for wide-angle lenses There is an additional colour calibration for all wide-angle lenses, that minimizes chromatic deviations
between image centre and image corner, especially in critical shooting situations.

    Optimization of internal processes
To assure the general system stability, internal software processes have been optimized.

2. Bug fixes:
    Improvements in Italian translations