파나소닉 gh4 펌웨어 업그레이드 버전 2.0
어마어마한 꿈의 기능이 들어갔다.
늘 생각했었던 것인데
동영상으로 막 찍어놓고 그 중 잘나온 프레임을 사진으로 쓰면 얼마나 완벽할까?
연사도 필요없고 순간 포착도 필요없는
그냥 동영상으로 주루루룩 찍으면 끝나는 ㅎㅎㅎ
그것이 미래의 스틸 카메라의 형태가 아닐까 늘 생각했었는데
4k에서 벌써 그 기능이 시작됐다.
동영상을 사진으로 쓸 수 있는 4k포토가 생긴 것이다.
아래 페이지로 들어가서 밑에 라이센스 억셉트 누르고
다운로드 받을 수 있다.
- [4K PHOTO] mode is added which records 4K video exclusively for capturing a frame to save as a photo.
- Settings can be adjusted as below when entering this mode.
- In addition to 16:9 aspect, 4:3/3:2/1:1 can be selected.
- Exif information is embedded to the captured image from the 4K video.
- Marking function is available enables marker setting on the designated point while recording video and users can jump to the markers when playing back the video to capture the frame they want.
- Loop Recording function is added, with which the camera keeps on recording video while deleting the old footage automatically.
-Rec Format : MP4-Rec Quality : 4K/30p/100Mbps
(System Frequency 59.94Hz)
(System Frequency 50.00Hz)-Luminance Level:0-255 - 4K/23.98p/100Mbps mode is added in MP4 video recording.
- The upper limit of the ISO sensitivity can be set in the menu of ISO sensitivity setting and emission amount of flash light can be adjusted in the menu of exposure compensation.
- Focusing performance of 1-area AF in video recording is improved.
- Tracking performance of tracking AF when used with the interchangeable lens H-FS14140 is improved.
- Remote shooting via USB tethering is available by using PC software "USB Tether" supplied by Promote Systems.
아래 화면 나오면 윈도우나 맥 버전 펌웨어를 다운로드 받고
압축을 풀면 bin 파일로 바뀌고
그 bin 파일을 sd카드 맨 위에다 놓고 (폴더에 넣지 말고)
카메라 배터리가 충분한지 확인 후 카메라 전원 오프상태에서 sd카드 카메라에 넣고
전원 켜고 플레이버튼을 누르면 업데이트 하겠냐는 메시지가 뜬다.
주의할 점은 크리에이티브 비디오모드에서 작동하고 시스템 프리퀀시가 24헤르쯔 시네마로
설정되어 있으면 안된다.
• This function is available only when the camera is set to Creative Video Mode.
• [4K PHOTO] is not available when the [System Frequency] is set to [24.00 Hz (CINEMA)].
MENU > [Motion Picture] > [4K PHOTO]
Records 4K motion pictures suitable for creating pictures. • The following settings are fixed.
– [Rec Format]: [MP4]
– [Rec Quality]: [4K/100M/30p] (When [System Frequency] is set to [59.94 Hz (NTSC)])
[4K/100M/25p] (When [System Frequency] is set to [50.00 Hz (PAL)]) – [Luminance Level]: [0s255]
• The camera performs Auto Focus and other automatic operations faster than usual during motion picture recording.
Customises the motion picture aspect ratio for pictures to be created.
[4:3] (Size: 3328k2496) [3:2] (Size: 3504k2336)
[16:9] (Size: 3840k2160) [1:1] (Size: 2880k2880)
루프 모드로 계속 찍으며 마지막 10분만 남기는...
이건 메모리가 부족해도 배터리만 있으면 일단 찍는 ㅎㅎ
Saves only the last 10 minutes (approximate, up to 12 minutes) of a
recorded motion picture.
We recommend that you use a sufficiently charged battery or an AC
adaptor (optional).
Up to 12 hours of continuous recording is possible.
Once you start recording, the motion picture will be recorded and divided
approximately every 2 minutes.
When the recording time exceeds 10 minutes (approximate), only the last 10 minute (approximate) part up to the end of the recording will be saved. The part before the 10 minute part will be deleted. -
[ ] is displayed during recording.
The available recording time and elapsed recording time are not displayed
during recording.
• [Loop Recording] is not possible when there is insufficient free space on the card.
사진= 일본 파나소닉 홈페이지