드디어 올림푸스 E-M1X 풀버전 스펙 확정 (FT5)

cultpd 2019. 1. 23. 09:11

Photorumors를 통해 현재 가장 핫한 카메라 올림푸스 E-M1X의 풀버전 스펙이 공개됐다고 포서드루머즈닷컴은 보도했다.

그동안 여러 루머와 유출이 있었지만 이번 E-M1X의 풀스펙 공개는 확정이라고 보면 되겠다.

이런 저런 수식어 없이 스펙만 보면 그냥 최고의 카메라가 나왔다고 보면 맞는다.

풀프레임이 아니라는 것을 제외하면 끝판왕에 모두가 꿈꾸던 카메라라고 해도 과언이 아니다.

물론 마이크로 포서드 팬들의 많은 분들이 작은 것을 좋아해서 썼던 이유가 사라지는 것 때문에 타격을 받지 않을까 생각은 들지만 

어쩌면 작은 것을 좋아하던 아마추어와 완벽함을 좋아하는 프로들이 서로 자리 바꿈하는 계기가 되지 않을까 하는 생각도 해 본다.

렌즈계의 끝판왕 12-100mm f4와 만나면 거의 무적의 카메라인데 자기 카메라만 최고라고 외치는 헛 리뷰어들에 의해 또 얼마나 상처를 받을지 벌써부터 걱정된다.

혹은 아예 까이지도 않는 무관심이라는 최강의 적과 맞닥뜨릴 수도 있다.

일단 급한대로 구글 번역을 올리고 찬찬히 분석해보도록 하겠다.

사진 출처 = https://www.43rumors.com/ft5-these-are-the-full-e-m1x-specs/

Olympus E-M1X camera specifications

Olympus E-M1X 카메라 사양 (짧은 버전)

고속 성능과 우수한 이미지 품질 새로운 E-M1X의 속도와 이미지 품질은 기본 코팅 성능을 향상시키는 TruPicVIII 고속 이미지 프로세서 2 개뿐만 아니라 향상된 감도를 제공하기 위해 새로운 코팅이 적용된 20.4 MP Live MOS 센서에 의해 촉진됩니다. 슬립 모드에서 시작 시간 및 복구 시간과 같은 요인. 듀얼 프로세서 디자인은 더 빠른 카메라에 기여할뿐만 아니라 2 개의 고속 UHS-II SD 카드 슬롯을 지원하고 핸드 헬드 고해상도, 라이브 ND 및 지능형 주제 감지 AF와 같은 최신 촬영 기능을 가능하게합니다.

향상된 이미지 안정화 Olympus는 재개발 된 자이로 센서를 출시했습니다.이 카메라는 세계 최고의 보정 성능을 제공합니다. M.Zuiko IS PRO 렌즈와 결합하여이 기술은 5 축 싱크 IS이 약 1 %를 보상 할 수있게합니다. 7.5 셔터 속도 step1, 삼각대가 필요없고 다양한 조건에서 프리 핸드 촬영이 가능합니다.

초고속 AF 고정 된 AF를 통해 E-M1X는 육안으로 볼 수없는 순간 순간을 포착하기 위해 최대 60fps의 고속 연속 촬영 기능을 제공합니다. AF / AE 추적을 사용하면 최대 18fps까지 도달 할 수 있습니다. 카메라의 프로 캡처 모드는 촬영 중 셔터 버튼을 놓을 때부터 소급하여 최대 35 프레임을 기록합니다.

고해상도 샷 기능 삼각대 고해상도 촬영으로 캡처 할 수있는 고해상도 최대 80MP 이미지 외에도 OM-D E-M1X에서 핸드 헬드 고해상도 촬영 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다. 삼각대를 사용하여 제한하려는 경우이 기능은 핸드 셰이크로 인한 흐려짐의 징후없이 50MP 센서로 캡처 한 것과 동일한 단일 고해상도 사진을 생성합니다.

Live ND 기능 새로운 Live ND 기능은 ND 필터를 사용하는 것처럼 느린 셔터 속도 효과를 통합합니다. 뷰 파인더에서 장면을 검토하고 사용자가 사진을 찍기 전에 편집 한 효과를 볼 수 있습니다. 이펙트는 ND2 (1 단계의 셔터 속도 단계에 해당), ND4 (2 단계), ND8 (3 단계), ND16 (4 단계) 및 ND32 (5 단계)의 5 단계로 설정할 수 있습니다.

영화 기능 전문가 수준의 사진 외에도 새로운 E-M1X는 영화 제작의 마스터입니다. 비디오 그래퍼가 순간을 포착 할 때 필요한 모든 추가 기능을 제공합니다. 초 고화질 Cinema 4K (C4K, 4096 x 2160) 동영상 포맷을 사용하면 비디오 그래퍼는 현재까지 최고 해상도로 레코딩 할 수있을뿐만 아니라 포스트 프로덕션의 경우 더욱 유연하게 사용할 수 있습니다. Full HD에서도 120fps의 고속 동영상이 지원되므로 느린 동작 인식으로 영화 영화를 촬영할 수 있습니다.

강력한 5 축 IS 및 전자식 안정화 기능으로 사진의 자세 및 움직임에 따라 세 가지 선택 가능한 수준의 움직임 보정 기능을 갖춘 세련된 휴대용 4K 및 C4K 비디오 녹화가 가능합니다.

로그 촬영 E-M1X는 다큐멘터리 및 자연 촬영 중 일반적인 조명 조건 변화를 막기 위해 로그 촬영을 지원합니다. OM-Log400은 그림자 또는 강조 표시 블러 아웃의 세부 사항을 손실하지 않고 영화를 제공하고 컬러 그레이딩을 통해 비디오 독창성을 자유롭게 제공합니다.

안티 플리커 촬영 기능 안티 플리커 촬영 기능으로 카메라는 인공 광원의 플리커 주파수를 감지하고 최대 밝기에서 셔터를 활성화하여 순차적 프레임 사이의 불균일 한 노출과 색을 PR을 통해 최소화합니다. 플리커 스캔은 사일런트 모드 (전자 셔터)를 사용할 때와 영화 촬영시 발생할 수있는 줄무늬 패턴을 억제하여 사용자가 셔터 속도를 미세 조정할 수 있도록합니다.

연결성 새로운 Wi-Fi 캡처 기능을 사용하면 케이블없이 닿는 거리에서의 촬영이 가능하며 "Olympus Capture"카메라 제어 소프트웨어를 사용하여 이미지를 무선으로 컴퓨터로 전송할 수 있습니다.

GPS OM-D E-M1X에는 GPS 센서, 온도 센서, 압력계 및 나침반이 내장되어 있습니다. 이들은 필드 센서라고합니다. 경도 및 위도와 같은 위치 정보 외에도이 센서는 이미지에 자세한 촬영 정보를 추가하기 위해 카메라의 온도, 고도 및 방향을 감지하고 기록합니다.

무게 997g 본체 (WxHxD) 144.4 x 146.8 x 75.4mm 유효 해상도 20.4 메가 픽셀 연속 촬영 속도 18 fps

Olympus E-M1X는 세계 정상급의 이미지 안정화 기능을 갖추고 있으며 새로운 내장 ND 필터가 장착 된 50mp Hi-Res Shot을 포함한 새로운 기능을 선보입니다. 새로운 수직 그립은 2 개의 배터리를 사용하여 확장 된 사용법과 수평 및 수직 위치 모두에 대한 깊은 손가락 보호 기능을 제공하여보다 편안한 그립감을 제공합니다. 새로운 트윈 프로세서는 이미지 처리 및 재구성 된 지능형 자동 초점 시스템을 위해 다른 수준으로 고속 성능을 발휘합니다. 마그네슘 합금 몸체는 완전히 IPX1 내후성 시험을 거쳤습니다.

세계 최고의 이미지 안정화 : M.Zuiko IS PRO 렌즈와 함께이 기술을 사용하면 5 축 싱크 IS가 약 1 / 7.5 셔터 속도 단계 • 50 MP 핸드 헬드 고해상도 촬영 기능. 삼각대가 필요한 E-M1 MK II의 HiRes 혁신 기술을 기반으로 E-M1X는 이제 50,000 개의 HiRes 샷 손을 잡을 수 있습니다. 삼각대를 사용하면 이제 80mp 이미지를 생성 할 수 있습니다. • 다양한 AF 타겟 모드 및 설정 및 지능형 피사체 추적 기능이있는 AF 시스템을 완전히 재현 • 외부 필터없이 느린 셔터 효과를위한 라이브 ND 기능 • 먼지, 튀김 및 냉동실. 마이크, 이어폰 또는 원격 제어 케이블을 연결할 때도 유지되는 방수 기능 • 그림과 비디오에 상세한 메타 데이터를 추가하는 필드 센서 내장 • 고속 응답을위한 2 개의 UHS-II SD 카드 슬롯 • 혁신적인 카트리지 시스템 및 USB 충전 기능의 배터리 2 개 • " OM-D Movie "비디오 기능 : 4K 및 C4K, OM-Log400, Full HD의 120 fps 고속 촬영 • 안티 플리커 촬영 기능 • 사진 및 비디오에 세부적인 메타 데이터를 추가하는 필드 센서 내장 • 센서 먼지 제거 시스템은 초당 30,000 번 진동하는 특수 코팅 된 개선 된 Super Sonic Wave Filter (SSWF)를 추가로 갖추고있어 먼지 나 오물이 사진과 장비를 10 배로 망가뜨릴 가능성을 줄입니다. • 재충전하기 전에 최대 2,580 개의 이미지를 캡처하십시오. 최대 100W 전원 소스에서 USB 전원 공급 장치 (USB-PD)를 사용하면 카메라 본체의 두 배터리를 약 2 시간 내에 완전히 충전 할 수 있습니다. • 잠긴 AF에서 E-M1X는 육안으로 볼 수없는 순간 순간을 포착하기 위해 최대 60fps의 고속 연속 촬영 기능을 갖추고 있습니다. AF / AE 추적 기능을 사용하면 최대 18fps까지 도달 할 수 있습니다. • 새로운 Wi-Fi 캡처를 사용하면 케이블없이 닿는 거리에서 촬영할 수 있으며 "Olympus Capture"카메라 제어 소프트웨어를 사용하여 이미지를 무선으로 컴퓨터로 전송할 수 있습니다.

Olympus E-M1X 카메라 사양 풀버전

Full Olympus E-M1X camera specifications

Format Format: Micro Four Thirds compliant interchangeable lens camera capturing screen size: 17.4 mm × 13.0 mm lens mount: Micro Four Thirds recording medium: SD / SDHC / SDXC (※ UHS-I / II compatible)

Image sensor format: 4 / 3-inch Live MOS sensor number of pixels: camera effective pixel number about 20,370,000 pixels, the total number of pixels about 21,770,000 pixels aspect ratio 1.33 (4: 3) dustproof corresponding: Supersonic wave filter (SSWF: ultrasonic anti-dust filter)

Sstill Image recording format Recorded image format: RAW (12 bit lossless compression), JPEG, RAW + JPEG Recorded image size: [RAW] 5184 x 3888 [JPEG] 5184 x 3888 to 1024 x 768 Double slot recording function: standard, automatic switching, sorting, same writing. In case both the card slot writable, still image recording destination, video recording destination, playback destination specifiable

Image stabilization Format: Body-in image stabilization (image sensor-shift 5-axis image stabilization). Angular Shake Compensation (Yaw / Pitch), Shake Shake Compensation (Up / Down, Left / Right), Rotary Shake Compensation (Roll) 5 Axis Sync Shake Reduction: Yes. Lens image stabilization mechanism mounted in M.ZUIKODIGITAL lens used during image stabilization effect: 7.0 stage Lens: M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED12-40mm F2.8 PRO focal length f = 40 mm (35 mm film equivalent f = 80 mm) 7.5 stage Lens: M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED12-100mm F4.0 IS PRO focal length f = 100 mm (35 mm film equivalent f = 200 mm), half-press image stabilization Off, frame rate fast

Finder Format: eye-level type liquid crystal viewfinder, about 2.36 million dots field of view / magnification: 100% / about 1.48 times to about 1.65 times (50mm lens · ∞ · -1m-1) eye point / diopter adjustment range: from about the last lens surface 21 mm (at -1 m-1 ) / Approx. -4 ~ + 2 m – 1 OVF simulation: EVF for exposure mode P / A / S / M / B shooting possible. Art Filter, WB, exposure compensation, such as a non-reflecting live view: about 100% field of view, exposure compensation reflects, white balance reflects, gradation auto reflect, face detection reflect (up to 8 people), a ruled line display, enlarged display (3 times Information display: Normal, histogram, highlight & shadow, level, OFF LV boost: LV boost 1, LV boost 2 (corresponding to dark environment). LV boost can be set for each shooting mode. Display speed priority for LV boost 2, selectable image quality priority. Exposure simulation mode in OFF monitor format 3.0 inch biaxial movable LCD. About 1.04 million dots (3: 2), an electrostatic capacitance type touch panel

Focus AF method: High Speed Imager AF (imager phase difference AF / imager contrast AF in combination). Operated with phase difference AF when Four Thirds lens (optional mount adapter is required) AF detection Luminance range: EV -3.5 to 20 (equivalent to ISO 100, with F 2.8 lens) Distance measurement point / distance measurement point mode: 121 points (cross type phase difference AF), 121 points (contrast AF) / all targets, single target (standard, small), group target (5 points, 9 points, 25 points) custom four kinds of targets (number, mobile number of steps configurable) focus mode: Single AF (S-AF) / continuous AF (C-AF) / manual focus (MF) / tracking AF (C-AF + TR) / preset MF AF operation characteristics: Subject followability (5 steps), AF scan mode (3 types), C – AF center priority, C – AF center start AF limiter: Yes. Turn on / off with the Fn button operation. Up to three distances can be registered.Distance display is approximate AF target pad: Yes. Enabled by double-tap / disabled-friendly super spot AF: Yes. Contrast AF at the center of the screen during zoom display. Micro Four Thirds lens when mounted only possible face priority AF / pupil priority AF: Yes / Yes. Pupil priority AF is OFF, a short distance of the pupil priority right pupil priority, the left four from selected pupil priority

Exposure control Metering (TTL image sensor metering): 324 divided digital ESP metering, center-weighted averaging metering, spot Metering, spot metering highlights / shadows. AF target interlocking spot metering friendly metering range: EV-2 ~ 20 (F2.8 lens, ISO100 equivalent) exposure mode, shooting mode: P: Program AE (Program shift allowed), A: aperture priority AE, S: Shutter priority AE , M: Manual, B: Valve (Valve, Time, Composite), C1 to C4 Automatic from ISO LOW (64 equivalent) to 6400 (initial setting), standard sensitivity, upper limit sensitivity can be changed from 200 to 6400 available Manual ISO: LOW (about 64 equivalent, equivalent to 100) 200 ~ 25600 (1 / 3or1EV step selectable) exposure correction range: ± 5 EV (1 / 3,1 / 2,1EV step selected), a live view reflected, videos, HDR until ± 3EV flickerless shooting: Yes

Shutter format : electronically controlled focal-plane shutter, electronic front curtain shutter, electronic shutter shutter speed: electronically controlled focal-plane shutter: 1 / 8,000 to 60 seconds, bulb, time, live composite electronic front curtain shutter: 1/320 to 60 seconds, the electronic shutter 1 / 32,000 to 60 seconds flicker scan: video 1 / 30.0 to 1 / 250.0, still images 1 / 50.0 to 1/7634

Drives continuous shooting speed: continuous H: set to about 15 frames / sec (10 to 15 frames / sec Continuous L: About 10 frames / sec (1 Low setting continuous shooting L: approx. 8.5 frames / sec (can be set to 1 to 8 M / sec), silent continuous shooting H: about 60 frames / sec (15, 20, 30, 60 Pro / Capture Continuous H: Approximately 60 frames / sec (15, 20, 1, 10, 15, 18 frames per second) Pro capture continuous shooting L: About 18 frames / sec (can be set to 10, 15, 18 frames / sec), Maximum number of frames to shoot: Continuous shot H · At 15 fps [RAW]: Approx. 103 frames, [JPEG: LF]: About 132 frames, Continuous shot L at 10 fps [RAW]: About 287 frames, [JPEG: LF] Approximately 49 frames, [JPEG: LF]: about 49 frames, silent continuous shooting L at 18 fps [RAW]: about 74 frames, JPEG: LF: About 89 frames,

Flash dimming method: TTL dimming, manual, auto, super FP (FPTTL auto, FP manual). Auto, Super FP function of the external flash flash sync speed: 1/250 seconds or less. It is 1/125 to 1/8000 seconds at Super FP. When using the electronic shutter, it is 1/50 sec (~ ISO 6400), 1/20 sec (ISO 8000 ~), 1/20 sec when ISO bracket.External flash: FL – 50R, FL – 36R, FL – 20, FL – FL – 300R, FL – 300R, FL – 600R, FL – 900R, FL – 900R, FL – 700WR

Wireless flash control compatible External flash: FL – 50R, FL – 36R, 700WR control system: command communication by flash lighting (Olympus wireless RC flash system) Commander flash: FL-LM3, FL-600R, FL-900R, STF-8, FL-700WR

White balance White balance mode: Auto, preset ), One touch WB (4 items allowed), CWB (color temperature specified)

Picture mode Mode: i-Finish, Vivid, Natural , Flat, Portrait, monotone, custom, e portrait, water, color creator, Art Filter

Art Filter Art Filter (Variation / Art Effect): Pop Art (I, II / a, b (- / c, e), day dream (I, II / a, b, c, d, f), light tone (- / d, f), rough monochrome The cross process (I, II / b, c, d, d), the toy photo (I, II, III / d), the diorama (I, II / d) d, e, f, g, h), dramatic tones (I / b, c, d, e, f), gentle sepia (- / a, b, c, d, f) A, b, c, d), water color (I, II / a, b, c, d), vintage (I, II, III / a, b, c, d, e, f, i), part (/, A, b, c, d, e, f, i), neonostalgia (- / a, a soft focus effect, b pinhole effect, c white edge effect, d frame effect, e starlight effect, f blurring effect (up and down, right and left), g ( c, d, e, f, i) Color effect (no color, yellow, orange, red, green), h toning effect (none, sepia, blue, purple, green), i shade effect (up and down, left and right) coloring (for part color): color selection color) HDR photography: HDR (automatic synthesis) HDR1 (photographic), HDR2 (painterly). ISO 200, shutter speed setting is limited to 4 seconds maximum. Exposure compensation enabled Live digital shift: shooting digital shift shooting available. Live view confirmation possible. ± 20 step correction in V direction, H direction possible, simultaneous in V direction, H direction possible Live ND ND Live: Yes. S, Usable in M mode, the flash is not permitted, ISO up to 800, (at the time of ND2 setting) shutter speed maximum speed is 1/30, will be slower and ND set the number of stages is increased

Tripod hi-res shots resolution: 50M pixels equivalent, [JPEG (50 M)] 8160 × 6120, [JPEG (25 M)] 5760 × 4320, [RAW] 10368 × 7776 shooting mode P, A, and S , M correspondence. RAW + JPEG, JPEG selectable.Camera RAW editing Allowed to edit on a PC “Olympus Workspace” is the PC environment to work need shutter system / Shutter speed: electronic shutter / 1 / 8000-60 seconds

Hand-held hi-res shots resolution: 50M pixels equivalent, 25M pixel equivalent ( [JPEG (50 M)] 8160 × 6120, [JPEG (25 M)] 5760 × 4320, [RAW] 8160 × 6120 Shooting mode P, A, S, M correspondence. RAW + JPEG, JPEG selectable. Flash prohibited, RAW editable in camera. The editing of the PC “Olympus Workspace” PC environment in which operation is necessary shutter system / Shutter speed: electronic shutter / 1 / 8000-60 seconds

Low vibration shooting shutter system / Shutter speed: electronic shutter / 1 / 32,000 to 60 seconds Exposure Delay: 0,1 / 8,1 / 4,1 / 2,1,2,4,8,15,30 seconds

Silent shooting shutter system / Shutter speed: electronic shutter / 1 / 32,000 to 60 seconds exposure delay: 0 , 1 / 8,1 / 4,1 / 2,1,2,4,8,15,30 seconds manner mode: Yes. Electronic sound, AF illuminator, individually disable / enable flash, in the initial setting is prohibited

Live valve / live time shooting display update time: 0.5 seconds to 60 seconds

Live composite photography display update time / synthetic type: 0.5 seconds to 60 seconds / lighten compositing

Videos video recording system: MOV (MPEG-4AVC / H.264 ) recording pixels / frame rate / compression method: [MOV] 4096 × 2160 (C4K) / 24p / IPB ( about 237Mbps) 3840 × 2160 (4K (FHD) / 60p, 50p / IPB (FHD ) / 30p, 25p, 24p / IPB (about 102Mbps) 1920×1080 (FHD) / 30p, 25p, 24p / ALL- IPP (SF, F, N) 60 p: 59.94 fps, 50 p: 50.00 fps, 30 p: 29.97 fps ( SF, F, N) 1280 x 720 (HD) / 60 p, 50 p, 30 p, 25 p, 24 p / ALL- , 25 p: 25.00 fps, 24 p: 23.98 fps 24.00 fps at C 4 K, HDALL-I (AI: ALL-Intra / about 102 Mbps), FHDIPB (SF: SuperFine / about 52 Mbps, F: Fine / about 30 Mbps, N: Normal / about 18 Mbps ) , HDIPB (SF: SuperFine / about 26Mbps, F: Fine / about 14Mbps, N: Normal / about 10Mbps) recording time limit: about 29 minutes Art filter video: Yes. All art filter Allowed movie Telecom: about three times the time-lapse video (interval Video): 3840 × 2160 (4K) / 5Fps 1920 × 1080 (FHD) / 5Fps, 10Fps, 15Fps 1280 × 720 (HD) / 5Fps, 10Fps, 15Fps, 30 fps High Speed Shooting: 120 fps (1920 × 1080 / MOV) Shooting Movie Shake Reduction: M-IS 1 (Multimotion IS with Image Sensor Shift and Electronic Shake Reduction), M-IS 2 ), HDMI Monitoring Through: Monitor mode (mode for outputting video and information to external monitor) Recording mode ( mode for outputting video only for recording on external device) Movie exclusive Picture mode: Flat, OM – Log 400 View Assist Yes

Audio recording audio recording method: Wave format compliant (stereo linear PCM / 16bit, sampling frequency 48kHz) high-quality recording Allowed (stereo linear PCM / 24bit, sampling Frequency 96 kHz) Microphone / Speaker: Built-in stereo microphone (also wearing is possible external stereo microphone) / Built-in mono speaker microphone function: wind noise reduction (depending on the normal and sound quality), recording level adjustment, microphone input limiter, voice dubbing Allowed to a still image (up to 30 seconds) IC recorder link: Slate tone generation function / Movie shooting and recording synchronization function. Compatible models: Linear PCM Recorder LS-100

Wi-Fi function position information adding function: Yes (obtained from the GPS function with smart phones) Built-in GPS information is priority wireless flash: remote live view, remote rec view, wireless touch AF shutter, timer shutter (countdown with sound / continuous shooting / short movie shooting s), remote power OFF, wireless shutter release mode, movie recording (image quality is limited) image sharing function: smart phone the image to be transferred bookable can be transferred to the image: JPEG, MOV Allowed easy Connection function: Easy connection with QR code Easy connection by Bluetooth (Image viewing, transfer)

Camera control function Camera control function from PC: USB connection: Can be operated with both PC and camera Wi-Fi connection: Shot via access point Transfer image to PC. 2.4 GHz / 5 GHz GPS / field sensor system: GPS (GLONASS, QZSS), orientation sensor, pressure sensor, temperature sensor, acceleration sensor Exif recording, INFO display ready, sensor log acquisition available, image tracking data display available on smartphone (OI. Track is required), automatic time correction allowed by the GPS menu language selection: Japanese, English, including 34 language

Customize My Menu: 35 items (7 items x 5 pages) Mode Dial Custom Set: 4 types (Can be registered in C1 to C4 of the mode dial) Menu Custom Set: Yes (Menu items C1 to C4 registered in P, A, S , M, B). However there items that can not be reflected such as the shooting mode multi selector customize: yes

Input and output USB / remote control terminal: USB Type-C / φ2.5 mini jack (optional remote cable RM-CB2 available) HDMI terminal: HDMI micro connector (Type-D ) flash terminal: hot shoe, PC terminal wireless LAN: built (IEEE 802.11 A / B / G / N / Ac) Bluetooth: built-in (Bluetooth Ver.4.2 BLE) external microphone input terminal: φ3.5 stereo mini-jack (plug-ins power ON / OFF s) headphone jack: φ3.5 stereo mini-jack PC interface: SuperSpeed (USB3.0) DC terminal: AC adapter AC-5 Allowed to connect

The power supply use battery: two lithium-ion rechargeable battery BLH-1. 1 can operate even when the loaded battery information: the remaining capacity (10-stage indicator,%, minutes), the number of times of photographing, Performance check AC adapter optional AC adapter AC-5 USB powered: from devices USB PD standard Power supply enabled, Camera PD compliant standard Rev 3.0 Ver 1.0a Charging in main unit: AC adapter AC – 5 and the connected USB device to charge the battery inside the main body. Charging accepted on camera power OFF, it behaves differently by the power supply performance of the USB device power saving: Yes. Set time (1/3/5 min) sleep by the elapsed photographable number of frames: about 870 sheets (BLH-1 two use, flash unfastened, CIPA test standard) of about 2580 sheets (low power imaging mode, our test method) moving continuous recording length: continuous recording length about 2 hours 50 minutes (JEITA standard), continuous recording length about 5 hours and 50 minutes

Magnitude / weight size: width 44.4 mm × height 146.8Mm × depth 75.4Mm (excluding CIPA compliant projections) weight (weight): about 997 g (. CIPA compliant battery 2, without including two memory cards eyecup), 849G (body only)

Operating environment operating temperature: Operating humidity: 30 to 90% (in operation), 10 to 90% (in storage): -10 to + 40 ° C (in operation), -20 to + 60 ° C

Horizontal position and vertical position realized high holding ability In response to the demand of professional users who place importance on holding properties and operability at the time of shooting, we adopted a vertical position grip integrated structure. Both the horizontal position and the vertical position adopt a grip that is deep in the finger scales to improve the holding ability and realize ergonomic property that is less fatigue even in long-time shooting.

High-speed continuous shooting at 20 frames / full pixel, 60 frames / second in RAW recording High-speed continuous shooting of up to about 60 frames / second enables you to capture the moment that can not be grasped with the naked eye with high definition. Besides, high-speed continuous shooting of 60 frames / second, high-speed continuous shooting of up to about 18 frames / second following AF / AE are shooting with silence, and performances that do not want to emit shutter sounds, and it is quite useful in the scene, such as do not want to interfere with the centralized sports

Emphasis on the operation of the viewfinder shooting arrangement and shape of the buttons and levers, it renewed the height, realize the operation of being able to concentrate on more viewfinder shooting Did. Furthermore, a multi selector which can quickly move the focus area while looking through the viewfinder is arranged in each of the vertical position and the horizontal position. In addition to providing a new “C-LOCK” lever, you can lock not only the vertical position control but also the selected operating section.

High magnification, high speed viewfinder viewfinder has newly designed its optical system and realizes the industry’s top class finder magnification of 0.83 (* 35 mm format conversion). Moreover, it is clearly displayed to the four corners without distortion by the four-piece composition using an aspherical lens or glass with a high refractive index. Like the “OM – D E – M1 Mark II”, it achieves a high – speed frame rate of 120 fps (progressive method), a display time lag of only 0.005 seconds, and captures moving subjects without stress.

Further evolved robustness and reliability “OM – D E – M1X” has been developed to allow shooting even in harsh environments where professional photographers will meet, conducting an internal drip – proof test that is stricter than IPX 1 I will. You can shoot without the influence of the weather by realizing dustproof, drip-proof, low temperature resistance (-10 ° C) even when the cable is connected to the remote cable, microphone and headphone jack. Moreover, by adopting a new coating for SSWF (super sonic wave filter via Photo Rumors) which vibrates more than 30,000 times / second to remove dirt and dust, the possibility of dust and dust reflection in the photograph is reduced to 1/10 compared to the conventional It is. A heat dissipation structure that suppresses function limitation due to temperature rise at high load such as movie shooting and continuous shooting in the scorching sun and 400,000 times shutter life realize robustness and high reliability for professional photographers with peace of mind It is.

The cartridge type loading system which can insert two lithium ion batteries “BLH – 1” adopted from the cartridge type battery loading system “OM – D E – M1 Mark II” is carried. Approximately 870 shots are possible (* CIPA test standard, about 2,580 in Olympus measurement in low power consumption shooting mode), battery exchange is easy even with a single leg or tripod attached. In addition, it is compatible with the USB PD (Power Delivery) standard, enabling power supply from USBPD standard power supply of maximum 100 W. It is also possible to charge the two “BLH-1” loaded in the body at the fastest about 2 hours.

The multi selector “OM – D E – M1X” which can quickly move the AF area has AF multi selector which can move the AF area quickly while looking through the viewfinder in each of the vertical and horizontal positions.Movement of AF area during continuous shooting and movie shooting is also smooth.

121 points with high degree of freedom in composition Comprehensive 121 point all-cross image plane phase difference AF sensor established with the all-cross image plane phase difference AF sensor “OM – D E – M1 Mark II” continues to be adopted, accurate with various composition Focusing with high degree of freedom can be performed. As a feature of Olympus’s image plane phase difference AF, you can quickly follow the speed change of irregularly moving subjects and subjects by using AF information not only from live view images but also from captured images. The AF low brightness limit realizes -6.0 EV (equivalent to ISO 100) when F1.2 lens is installed, and focuses on dark scenes and low contrast subjects with high precision.

Various AF settings are possible Vertical / Horizontal Position You can set the AF target mode and AF area position for each shooting, and C – AF + M, which can instantly switch the MF by turning the focus ring during C – AF, Various AF settings according to the professional photographer’s needs are possible. The AF target mode also supports a new 25 point group target, and also has a custom AF target mode that allows AF area to be placed freely.

“Pro capture mode” for RAW shooting, no blackout, “Pro Capture mode” which can record up to 35 frames from the time of shutter release can be recorded backwards, there is no blackout (image loss) at shooting, 20M high Recording with pixels, and also shooting in RAW mode are supported. Ever since its incorporation in “OM – D E – M1 Mark II”, it is also highly valuable from professional photographers and it is effective when photographing subjects with unpredictable movements as “works”.

Two high-speed image processing engine “TruePic VIII” installed Reduced startup time and sleep recovery time, both SD card slots realize high speed response such as high-speed UHS-II support. In addition to contributing to speedup of cameras, we realized state-of-the-art shooting functions such as “handheld high res shot”, “live ND”, “intelligent subject recognition AF”.

Landscape photographer realized long-awaited “hand held high reso shot” In addition to “tripod high res shot” capable of shooting ultrahigh resolution images of up to 80 M, “new handheld high res shot” specially requested from landscape photographers is newly installed did. High resolution images can be captured on hand, making it especially useful for high-definition photography in places where there are many mountain landscapes and tripods that can not be used.

“Live ND” which can express expression using slow shutter effect “Live ND” which can express expression using slow shutter effect like using ND filter was installed. It is a new technology that can obtain slow shutter effect by combining multiple exposed images. In addition, you can check the slow shutter effect with the viewfinder before shooting by live view, and you can improve the shooting efficiency.The effect can be selected from 5 stages of ND 2 (equivalent to 1 shutter speed), ND 4 (2 steps), ND 8 (3 steps), ND 16 (4 steps), ND 32 (5 steps).

Can capture 4K and 4K cinema powerfully Strong 5-axis camera shake correction + electronic camera shake compensation enables high-quality 4K, cinema 4K movie handheld shooting. The camera shake compensation intensity can be selected from 3 levels according to the attitude and movement of the photographer.

Effective for scenes where light conditions are easy to change “OM – Log 400” shooting It is compatible with “OM – Log 400” shooting, which allows you to shoot without darkening from highlighting to dark areas and highlighting, and performing color grading by allowing you to express images with high degrees of freedom.

Supported high-speed movie (120 fps) It corresponds to 120 fps high-speed movie with FullHD. Impressive image representation by slow motion effect becomes possible when playing.

“Intelligent Subject Recognition AF” utilizing Deep Learning Technology A newly developed algorithm was developed using deep learning technology which is a kind of AI. It detects subjects in three genres of motor sports, aircraft and railroad, focuses on the best point, and tracks. For example, in the case of motor sports, since the subject is automatically detected by focusing on the driver’s helmet, it is possible to focus on the composition as well as improve the autofocus accuracy.

Realizing the world’s best anti-shake performance in combination with “M. ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-100 mm F4.0 IS PRO” By installing a newly developed gyro sensor, up to approximately 7.0 steps of body alone, “M. With ZUIKODIGITAL ED 12-100 mm F 4.0 IS PRO “, we realized” 5-axis synchro anti-shake correction “which is the world’s maximum about 7.5 steps. You can also take hand-held shots with an unprecedented low-speed shutter, which is useful for nighttime, indoor shooting and other photography.

Field sensor system installed. Addition of position information to image by built-in GPS Field sensors such as GPS sensor, thermometer, atmospheric pressure sensor, and compass are built in the camera. More detailed shooting information can be added to the image data by the camera detecting and recording the temperature, altitude, orientation, including position information of latitude and longitude.

“Flickerless Shooting” & “Flicker Scan” The camera detects the blinking cycle of artificial light represented by a fluorescent light, controls the shutter to cut off according to the peak of brightness, uneven exposure between continuous shooting frames, and color unevenness The “flickering less shooting” which suppresses is carried. Moreover, it also supports “flicker scan” which can set the shutter speed more precisely in order to suppress the striped phenomenon which occurred when using silent mode (electronic shutter) and movie shooting.

Wireless shooting Olympus Capture “Olympus Capture” camera control software that supports image transfer supports newly transferred images via Wi-Fi.You can wirelessly transfer images to your PC without connecting a USB cable during studio shooting. The frequency used is 2.4 GHz band and the 5 GHz band (which is specification which does not use some standards depending on the country of sale) which can perform high speed communication is usable. For details, please refer to “Olympus Capture” website.

via Photorumors