Capture One 12.1 - June 13th 2019
캡쳐원 12.1이 배포를 시작했다.
모든 종류의 캡쳐원에 해당되고 소니, 후지 캡처원도 업그레이드 가능하다.
Capture One release notes
Capture One is made by Phase One (the world’s leading manufacturer of high-end digital camera systems) in collaboration with the world’s leading professional photographers.
Capture One is a professional RAW converter offering you ultimate image quality with beautiful colors and incredible detail for more than 500 high-end cameras. It offers state- of-the-art tethered capture, powerful digital asset management, extensive adjustment tools and a flexible workflow through customizable workspaces.
All run modes are included in the one installer and the run mode is determined by the license key used. The trial is also included in the installer and is registered as the full product upon activation. Capture One is available in a number of modes
• Capture One Pro
• Capture One Pro DB (Digital Back support only)
• Capture One Pro Fujifilm (Fujifilm camera support only)
• Capture One Pro Sony (Sony camera support only)
• Capture One Express Fujifilm (Fujifilm camera support only)
• Capture One Express Sony (Sony camera support only)
• Capture One Enterprise
• Capture One CH (Cultural Heritage)
The release notes include notes for all releases of Capture One.
Previous release notes can be found in the Phase One download archive.
Best regards, Team Phase One
마지막 최근 캡처원 펌웨어 버전이 12.0.4였으니 12.1이 되었다는 것은 큰 변화가 있었다고 기대된다.
물론 이 기대는 눈에 보이는 기능 뿐만 아니라 보이지 않는 곳의 업그레이드를 포함한다.
우선 이번 캡쳐원 업그레이드의 주인공은 아무리 봐도 후지필름 같다 ㅜㅜ
캡쳐원이 후지필름에 지원하는 속도와 깊이가 남다른 걸 보니 상당히 많은 지원이 있는 것 같다.
후지필름 파일의 렌더링과 테더링이 좋아졌고 오버레이 컨트롤이 향상됐다.
애플 스크립트 관련은 캡쳐원 스튜디오에서 크게 발전했다.
핵심은 뉴 그리드 툴인데 현재 업데이트 중이기에 이것은 써보고 리뷰하도록 하겠다.
캐논의 RF28-70 렌즈 프로필도 들어갔고 니콘 Z 렌즈가 다수 추가되었다.
Capture One service release | Phase One
Download the latest Capture One service release, and read about the changes and improvements included in the release.
Capture One 12.1 is a feature release for the Studio (Enterprise) edition of Capture One with camera support, lens support, and important bug fixes.
New general features (Capture One Pro, Fujifilm, Sony & Studio)
New Grids Tool
Improved X-Trans rendering (Pro, Pro Fujifilm, Express Fujifilm)
Improved Fujifilm tethering (Pro, Pro Fujifilm)
Extended AppleScript functionality (Some functionality exclusively featured in Capture One Studio)
Improved Overlay controls
New Capture One Studio Exclusive Features
Barcode Scanner Tool
Next Capture Backup
Next Capture Metadata
Next Capture Keywords
New Guides Tool
New Grids Tool
Improved Overlay functionality
Tool Locks
Dedicated Capture One Studio Workspaces
Camera Support
Panasonic LX100 Mark II
Leica D-LUX 7
Leica C-LUX
Nikon COOLPIX P1000
Lens support
Canon RF 28-70mm F2 L USM
NIKKOR Z 35mm f/1.8 S*
NIKKOR Z 50mm f/1.8 S*
NIKKOR Z 14-30mm f/4 S*
NIKKOR Z 24-70mm f/4 S*
NIKKOR Z 24-70mm f/2.8 S*
*Lens profile is embedded in the RAW file and will show as ‘Manufacturer Profile’